Company: Halliburton
Skills: Environmental, Safety & Training, HSE Auditing, HSE Manager / Advisor
Experience: 5 + Years
Education: Bachelors/3-5 yr Degree
Employment Type: Full Time Salaried Employee
Location: Stavanger, Rogaland, Norway

Vi soker en proaktiv radgiver til var avdeling med spesielt kompetanse og/eller interesse for kjemikalier og fysisk arbeidsmiljo. Rollen bidrar til kontinuerlig forbedring samtidig som den ivaretar virksomhetens behov for et forsvarlig arbeidsmiljo. Arbeidsoppgavene vil blant annet besta i a ivareta myndighetskrav, kundekrav, og Halliburton`s interne krav nedfelt i prosedyrer og retningslinjer. Karlegging og evaluering av risiko, samt tilhorende identifisering av risikoreduserende tiltak offshore og onshore vil v
•re kjerneoppgaver.
Arbeidserfaring innen kjemikaliehandtering og fysiske arbeidsmiljofaktorer vil bli vektlagt.
Vi soker etter deg som kan kan kjenne deg godt igjen i Halliburton sine verdier; integritet, sikkerhet, samarbeid, tillit og respekt

  • lvareta myndighetskrav, kundekrav samt Halliburton sine interne prosedyrer og retningslinjer, med fokus pa helse og ytre miljo for kjemikalier
  • Administrere intern offshore kjemikalie database, samt utvikle pakrevd dokumentasjon for Norge og Danmark
  • Oppfolging av NEMS Chemicals databasen og produktregisteret for Norge og Danmark
  • Oppfolging av IBC-koder
  • Ansvarlig og kontaktperson for HMS kartlegging og datablader i RiskView database,
  • Ansvarlig for ChemiRisk og tilhorende programmer.
  • Ansvarlig for kjemikalie eksponeringsregister
  • lvareta administrative oppgaver og motevirksomhet
  • V
    •re en aktiv padriver for a oppna Halliburton sine malsetninger
  • Generelle HMS oppgaver, inspeksjonsarbeid og radgivning i bedriften
  • Arbeide tett med kunder internt og eksternt, samt leverandorer og myndigheter
  • Bidra som instruktor og fasilitator for oppl
    •ring av ansatte innen Helse,Miljo og Sikkerhet

  • Hoyere utdannelse i naturfaglig retning og bred erfaring med kjemikalie oppfolging
  • Minimum 3-5 ar relevant praksis innen kjemikalieradgivning
  • Ma beherske norsk og engelsk, bade skriftlig og muntlig
  • Ma beherske a jobbe i bedriften sine styringssystem og web baserte databaser
  • Onskelig med generell kompetanse innen systematisk HMS-arbeid og erfaring med a jobbe med et tverrfaglig HMS-fokus

Personlige egenskaper:
  • Selvstendig
  • Gode samarbeidsevner
  • Losningsorientert
  • Utadvent
  • L
  • Noyaktig
  • Strukturert
  • Tilpassningsdyktig

Vi tilbyr:
Konkurransedyktige pensjons- og forsikringsordninger
Gunstig aksjespareordning
Fokus pa teknologi og utvikling
Dyktige kolleger i et internasjonalt arbeidsmiljo

English version:

We are looking for a proactive advisor for our department with special expertise and/or interest in chemicals and the physical working environment. The role contributes to continuous improvement while taking care of the company's need for a proper working environment. The tasks will consist of, among other things, attending to regulatory requirements, customer requirements, and Halliburton's internal requirements laid down in procedures and guidelines. Mapping and evaluation of risk, as well as associated identification of risk-reducing measures offshore and onshore will be core tasks. Work experience from offshore, chemical handling, and physical working environment factors will be emphasized. In addition, you are part of the introduction program for our new employees.
Our values are the foundation for everything we do. If you can identify with our values: Safety, Trust, Collaboration, Integrity and Respect you can be the one we are looking for.

  • Address regulatory requirements, customer requirements, and Halliburton's internal procedures and policies, with a primary focus on chemicals and physical working environment factors
  • Map and evaluate risk offshore and onshore, as well as contribute to identifying risk-reducing measures within the area
  • Occasional travel related to the work area both onshore and offshore must be expected
  • Participate in the planning and implementation of risk-based health monitoring and follow-up (RUG) and targeted health surveys (MHU)
  • Take care of administrative tasks and meeting activities that fall under the area
  • Map the need for training, supervise and coordinate, as well as teach relevant HSE courses in the company in Norwegian and English
  • Be an active driver in achieving Halliburton's goals
  • Work closely with customers internally and externally, as well as suppliers and authorities
  • General HSE tasks and advice in the company
  • Contribute as an instructor and facilitator for the training of employees in Health, Safety and Environment

  • HSE Technical College and/or relevant Bachelor (BsC), experience and personal suitability will be able to compensate for formal competence
  • Minimum 5 years of relevant experience in the oil industry, advantage of experience from offshore
  • Must be fluent in Norwegian and English, both written and oral
  • Must master working in the company's management system and web-based databases
  • Onskelig med generell kompetanse innen systematisk HMS-arbeid og erfaring med a jobbe med et tverrfaglig HMS-fokus

Personal qualities:
  • Independent
  • Good collaboration skills
  • Solution-oriented
  • Extrovert
  • Teachable
  • Accurately
  • Structured
  • Adaptable

We offer:
  • Competitive pension and insurance schemes
  • Health insurance/treatment insurance
  • Favorable share savings scheme
  • Focus on technology and development
  • Skilled colleagues in an international working environment

Eldfiskvegen 1, 4056 Tananger, Norway

Product Service Line:
100% stilling

Ansvarlig for stillingen: Rolf M. Kristensen e-mail:
Rekrutterer: Synnove Gysland Sunde (+47) 51 83 72 30

15th November 2024