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Company Overview: PA Geologic Survey

Company Information
PA Geologic Survey
PO Box 8453
1500 N 3rd St
Harrisburg, PA 17105

Contact Information
Website: www.dcnr.state.pa.us/topogeo
Phone: 717 787 2169
Phone: 717 783 7267

Since 1836, the Pennsylvania Geological Survey has explored almost every region of the state deciphering the record of past geological events and searching out the natural geologic resources that support our Commonwealth's economy and its people.

Our Mission - To serve the citizens of Pennsylvania by collecting, preserving, and disseminating impartial information on the Commonwealth's geology, geologic resources, and topography in order to contribute to the understanding, wise use, and conservation of its land and included resources.

Geologic and Geographic Information Services Division - analog and digital geologic reports, maps, and databases, Survey Library.

Geologic Mapping Division - Maps the bedrock and surficial geology, geologic hazards (landslides, sinkholes),coal-resources.

Geologic Resources Division - mineral, petroleum, and groundwater resources of the Commonwealth. Administers the Water-Well Drillers Licensing Program.

Quick Facts

Line of Business: State Government
Ownership: Government
Number of Employees: 42