Oil & Gas Company Directory

Company Overview: WhisprWave®

Company Information
269 Sheffield Street
Suite 5D
Mountainside, NJ 07902

Contact Information
Website: www.whisprwave.com
Phone: 908-233-7503

MISSION STATEMENT: To be recognized by the world's militaries, security agencies and marine industry as the global leader in maritime port security and erosion control technology solutions.

WDT developed the patented WhisprWave® floating articulated breakwater and barrier technology to afford protection to shoreline beaches, coastal marinas, anchorages, and other areas subject to terrorist attack or destructive erosion wave / wake forces. The WhisprWave® is currently installed, being demonstrated or being reviewed by many Military, Federal and State agencies [examples include (Military: US Army Corp of Engineers "USACE", US Coast Guard "USCG", US Navy "USN") (Federal Agencies: Bureau of Relclamation "USBR", Department of Homeland Defense "DHS", Tennessee Valley Authority "TVA") and (States: CA, CT, FL, HI, LA, NY, NJ, et. al.)] for applications that range from Homeland Security / Force Protection to Beach Erosion Protection to Marina Wave & Wake Protection.

Quick Facts

Line of Business: Erosion Control & Port Security
Ownership: Private
Number of Employees: 25