Oil & Gas Company Directory

Company Overview: Reef Exploration, Inc.

Company Information
Reef Exploration, Inc.
1901 N. Central Expressway
Suite 300
Richardson, TX 75080

Contact Information
Website: www.reefexploration.com
Phone: 972-437-6792
Phone: 972-994-0369
Executive Contact: Michael Mauceli

One of America's most successful independent domestic and international oil and gas exploration companies. Investment opportunities include private drilling programs, oil and gas income funds, and global energy ventures. Review our portfolio and read about our current investment programs online. Find our current holdings and operations around the globe using our interactive online map. Integrity and a commitment to our investors are guiding principles for Reef Exploration. Contact us to see how our investment programs could benefit you.

Quick Facts

Line of Business: Oil and Gas Exploration
Ownership: Private
Number of Employees: 50