Oil & Gas Company Directory

Company Overview: Crummock Oil and Gas

Company Information
Crummock Oil and Gas
Butlerfield Estate
Bonnyrigg, EH19 3JQ

Contact Information
Website: www.crummockoilandgas.com
Phone: +44 1875823222
Executive Contact: Alex Jeffrey
Sales Contact: Alex Jeffrey

We have been providing services in the offshore Oil & Gas sector since 2001. We deliver on location upgrade, repair and refurbishment services to living quarters and physical security solutions to protect crew (including a citadel), to offshore oil and gas facilities. We work with the highest quality materials and service suppliers to maintain excellence in our supply chain. We deliver excellent solutions, a quality service and maintain impeccable health and safety credentials. Attention to Health and Safety is paramount to our success and since working offshore from 2001, we have not experienced a single down-time incident. Follow us on Twitter @crumoilandgas

Quick Facts

Line of Business: Topside repairs, refurbishments and upgrades and physical security solutions.
Ownership: Private