Oil & Gas Company Directory

Company Overview: Norsk Hydro ASA

Company Information
Norsk Hydro ASA
P.O. Box 980 Skøyen
Oslo, N-0240

Contact Information
Website: www.hydro.com
Phone: +47 22 53 81 00
Phone: +47 22 53 27 25

Norsk Hydro is an industrial company based on the use of natural resources, with the aim of meeting needs for food, energy and materials.

Hydro is a major player in the field of energy production and downstream utilization, with the most important forms of energy being hydroelectric power, oil and gas. The center of gravity for our oil and gas operations is the Norwegian continental shelf, but the company also holds promising positions in Angola and Canada. Efforts are focused on exploration and deep-water technology, as well as on efforts to increase recovery.

  • Operation and Production Norway
  • Exploration and Development Norway
  • Exploration and Production International
  • Oil Marketing
  • Energy
  • Technology and Projects
Other Businesses:
Hydro is involved in both primary production and the semi-fabrication of aluminium and magnesium. We are the major aluminium supplier in Europe and our activities in the American market are growing. The company is integrated throughout the value chain, from raw materials to the manufacture of aluminium extruded sections and sheet, as well as being a leading partner for the building and automotive industries. Coordination, and measures to enhance efficiency, strengthen our cost position.

Hydro is the world leading supplier of mineral fertilizer. We are growing globally based on a strong position in Western Europe, a world-wide trading organization and a highly efficient production and distribution network. Our expertise, combined with new methods of fertilization and even better products, enhances our ability to serve the market.

Quick Facts

Line of Business: Exploration and Production
Ownership: Public