Oil & Gas Company Directory

Company Overview: Hach Company

Company Information
Hach Company
5600 Lindbergh Drive
Loveland, CO 80538

Contact Information
Website: www.hach.com/oilandgas
Phone: (866) 450-4248

For many years, water quality has played a key role in the oil and gas industry. With the widespread adoption of hydraulic fracturing, the oil and gas industry's water management needs are higher today than ever, and so is the need to accurately determine water quality. More and more, the industry is looking to water as a valuable commodity rather than a cost. With over 60 years of leadership, Hach has the expertise to provide the right solution for your application. Our products are designed specifically for quality, accuracy, and simplicity, and today are in use in different industries around the world. We are actively working with the oil and gas industry to establish best practices and tailor test procedures to meet the industry's challenging testing requirements.

Quick Facts

Line of Business: Water Analysis Instrumentation
Ownership: Public